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Professional Artist
jess King art
Welcome to one of the most intricate and lovely threads of my life- fruits of my art language in Studio Fine Arts. Life and language- huge words for me. i don't know exactly what to say to you- the viewer...other than i hope you are touched by the renderings that come out of my soul, from my imagination & my photographs as well as from live models. The art i am privileged to create started to evolve when i was a young girl. i refer to my work in four different terms: my "Ladies of Old","Fascination pieces", life drawings & paintings. My work is unified in one concept- reflection of the relationships in life.
Desire for my work-Since i was a little girl i have cognitively wanted to draw, paint or sculpt humans realistically especially in a moment when i was or am deeply inspired by someone, something or experience and for the finished product to look exactly like the subject matter not just an impression. Through time i have decided that impressionism is my DNA and realism may not come. Just recently- as i drew daily for a few months to prepare a portfolio for an MFA application, the door opened up in my creative thinking to be able to draw realistically more than ever before. Each day i was astounded at how it kept flowing and nothing was blocking the ability. My thought- time, its just timing...another desire of my heart has come to pass.
Unity in my Work-Life is all about relationships: working, broken, quick, long lasting, dysfunctional, institutional, forced, unwelcome, passing by, elusive, unintentional and spiritual relationships with all of creation. All of my work is unified by one concept- a reflection of the relationships i encounter, are touched by, struggle with, love- friendly, emotional, romantic, godly and that i am in covenant with. I do not take life lightly nor the creator in which purposed life.

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